Newcastleton Community Council:

The Community Council normally meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm in the village hall supper room.  All are welcome to attend.

Next meeting Tue 8th October, Newcastleton village hall.  All welcome, meeting starts at 7.00pm.  Doors open from 6:45pm.

SCOTTISH POWER ENERGY NETWORKS  Cross Border Connection – Gala North to Scottish Border  SPEN will be hosting a local meeting in the village hall on Sept 25th between 3-7pm.

Cross Border Connection. SP Energy Network’s is consulting on the proposed 400kV/132kV Teviot Substation and the 400kV steel tower, overhead line which will run from the proposed Gala North Substation to the Scottish border.




Residents with any issues they would like discussed at the monthly meetings are encouraged to contact the chair or secretary 7 days prior to the meeting for items to be included on the agenda.

Newcastleton & District Community Councillors

Position Name Email
Jim Lewis Chair
Chris Ruddock Member
Barry Hawkin Member
Shane Mitchinson Member
Rob Irwin Member
Keith Brough Member
Xander Hutchison co-opted Member
Connell X co-opted Member
Fiona Nugent

co-opted Member/Secretary

Cllr Jane Cox SBC member
Cllr Watson McAteer SBC member
Cllr Annette Smart SBC member

Thinking of joining us?

NDCC needs new members. If you live in the catchment and registered on the electoral role you can apply. You must agree to abide by the code of conduct, accept our equal opportunities policy, read the constitution, provide a short note outlining your skills and complete the application form. If you are passionate about where we live please consider joining us.

Application Form constitution GET IN TOUCH
Code of conduct and equalities statements

The Community Council is committed to promoting equal opportunity for all.

Equalities statement Code of conduct

Newcastleton & District Community Council | Minutes & Correspondence

Oct 2024


Newcastleton and District Community Council 


Date Tuesday 8th October 2024



Welcome, Introductions & Apologies


Declarations of Interest


Minutes of last meeting Newcastleton and District Community Council Minutes 10th Sept 2024.docx – Google Docs


Election of members

 Vice chair, Treasurer, Vice Sec.

Other member roles


Presentation to CC by SPEN on proposal for transmission lines


Police Report (if provided in time

  1. Hawick & Hermitage avail for review online Hawick and Hermitage – September 2024


Flood Group Report


Matters arising:

  1. Playpark update
  2. CCTV
  3. Speeding Report
  4. Bus timetable update
  5. Road signs to north of village update
  6. Ettleton & Castleton Cemetery paths and roadway status update
  7.  Dog Fouling update
  8. Whithaugh Bridge update
  9. Wind farm Community Benefit update
  10. Grass verge North Liddle St update



  1.  Application for extension to dwelling house 9 North Hermitage St 24/01113/FULufm14_CCCON_Community_Council_Consultation
  2. Permitted Development in Conservation Areas. update
  3. Wind farm Planning updates: 
    1. Windy Edge, 
    2. Muirhall Teviot Wind farm
    3. Cumberland local plan to neighbours.



  1.  Cumbria community involvement consultation
  2. Hearing children’s and young peoples voice in the community 


Public forum/Community issues





Date of next meeting Tuesday 12th October 2024










Apologies & welcome


Minutes of the previous meeting

NDCC AGM minutes 10 Oct 2023 v2BE


Chairman’s Statement

Chairmans statement


Secretary & Financial Report



2024-5 ringfenced sums  

2023-4 Community Council Support Grant – Grant Evaluation NDCC

CC financial report 8-9-24


Nominations for members Criteria required:

Address within NDCC catchment

Agree abide by the rules of the constitution/code of conduct.

Non-attendance 3 consecutive months role is terminated







Welcome & apologies


Declarations of Interest


Police Report (if received or in person).

Hawick and Hermitage – July 2024

Hawick and Hermitage – August 2024

CCTV update


Minutes of the last meeting: Aug 2024

Newcastleton and District Community Council Minutes August 24


Matters arising

  1. Flood Group FLOOD GROUP MINUTES 2.9.24
  2. Bus timetable
  3. Speeding Breakdown from PC Patterson
  4. Footpath to North of Village JL update
  5. Ettleton & Castleton Cemetery paths and roadway status
  6. Bins & Dog Fouling
  7. Unpaid work within the Community update
  8. Whithaugh Bridge
  9. Wind farm Community Benefit update
  10. Grass verge North Liddle St



Windy Edge updates


11 Consideration of Local Properties

02 Planning History

01  Proposed Development

Muirhall/Teviot Wind Farm

correspondence from Teviot & Liddesdale CC’s to SBC ref traffic mgt issues

Pines-Burn-Meeting-06.02.2024.-Minutes-with-CC-feedback-Amended    SBC Letter July 24

Cumberland Local Plan Notice to Neighbours

Cumberland Council Planning Policy Update – Adjoining Parish Councils, Community Councils

Mid Hill Wind Farm Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Polysport Change of use application 



Public forum/Community issues

Playpark update




Date of next meeting



  1. Welcome & Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Police Report (if provided in time).
    1. Hawick & Hermitage June available review online, July not received.
    2. Speeding Vehicles & Wood Wagons
  4. Minutes of meeting June 24  Newcastleton and District Community Council MinutesJune 24
  5. Flood Group report
    1. Scot Gov Resilience consultation deadline Aug 13th
    2. Consultation on Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) for Flood Risk Management in Scotland 2024 (on web site) Flood Group Response to SEPA PVA consultaiton Jun 2024
    3. Minutes of 29/4/24 (on web site) Flood group minutes (1)
  6. Matters arising:
    1. Bus timetable update (Gordon Grant in Attendance)
    2. Footpath to North of Village (Paul Frankland in attendance)
    3. Holm Bridge upgrade status
    4. Ettleton & Castleton Cemetery paths and roadway status
    5. Bins & Dog Fouling
    6. Unpaid work within the Community update
    7. Lynx Project
    8. Whithaugh Bridge
  7. Planning:
    1. Wind farm Planning updates: Windy Edge, Hermitage feedback on consultation, papers on web site.
      1. 01 Proposed Development
      2. 02 Planning History
      3. 11 Consideration of Local Properties
      4. NDCT requested additional viewpoint: WINDY edge VIEWPOINT Aug 2024 – Lord Walters Seat at Whitegate 
      5. further info expected – check back pre meeting
    2. Muirhall Wind farm
      1. CC roundtable Aug 26th
      2. Traffic concerns/response to UT&BW CC
          1. SBC Letter July 24 draft- UT&BW CC_
          2. RE_ Teviot Wind Farm_Redacted
    3. Permitted Development in Conservation Areas
    4. 24/00906/FUL Extension/alterations to11 Whitchester Lane, Newcastleton ufm4_CCCON_Community_Council_Consultation
    5. 24/00936/FUL Change use self-catering accommodation to residential, 13 Douglas Square ufm3_CCCON_Community_Council_Consultation
  8. Consultations/correspondence
    1. Review of non-financial support to community councils – SBCCN NDCC response to non financial support SBCNN
    2. Letter of support Rock UK Cycling event, Douglas Square usage
    3. Letter of support Derek Ramage Pavilion, change of use
    4. Community meeting Buccleuch Centre Langholm,7pm Wed 14th August to hear concerns regarding proposed planting at Warblaw, south of Langholm. 
    5. Issue 8: Explore Scotland Explore Scotland – Issue 8
  9. Public forum/Community issues
  10. AOB
  11. Date of next meeting: September 10th to be preceded by the AGM.

NDCC does not host a July CC meeting, the date of next meeting is  August 13th, 7pm in the village hall



  1. Welcome & Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. New Members
  4. Police Report (if provided in time).
    1. Hawick & Hermitage if available for review will be online
    2. Speeding Vehicles/road safety  NEWCASTLETON CC FEEDBACK ON SPEEDING MEASURES UPDATE 29-5-24
  5. Minutes of meeting May 24 NDCC Minutes May 24
  6. Playpark update – Sarah Culverwell/SBC will update on the proposed play park layout and facilities
  7. Flood Group report
  8. Matters arising:
    1. Bus timetable update & school transport review
    2. Bins
    3. Holm Bridge upgrade status
    4. Ettleton & Castleton Cemetery paths and roadway status
    5. Unpaid work within the Community update
    6. Lynx Project 
    7. Whithaugh Bridge
  9. Planning
    1. Pines Burn Wind Farm update PBurn_SG_response_ followupquestions_roads 
    2. Teviot/Muirhall windfarm Teviot Wind Farm Additional Information Event
    3. Liddesdale Windfarm – exhibition June 18th 3pm -7pm village hall Liddesdale Wind Farm Community update May 24 AW (002)
    4. Notice of Mid Mill Wind Farm/Invenergy, south of Hawick adjacent Teviothead  midhill_overivew_A3_20240513 (1) (1)
    5. Blackburn/Hartsgarth Woodland planting scheme/Oxygen Conservation –Blackburn Hartsgarth_Information for Stakeholders_June24    BH Concept Map_landscp_Jun24 Community meeting Village Hall 3:30-7:30 June 25th
    6. Permitted Development in Conservation Areas 
    7. 24/00607/FUL Alterations to dwelling house to include solar panel array to roof/replacement windows, 13 Douglas Square ufm223_CCCON_13_Douglas_Square
    8. 24/00623/FUL Extension to dwellinghouse Parkhead 2 Union Streetufm13_CCCON _Parkhead_2_Union Street
  10. Consultations/correspondence
    1. Borders May issue 7 Borders Mag issue 7
  11. Public forum/Community issues
    1. Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) | Home Energy Efficiency and Affordable Warmth | Scottish Borders Council (
  12. AOB

Date of next meeting: August 13th (No meeting normally held in July)


AGENDA NDCC Agenda May 24

  1. Welcome & Apologies – Declarations of Interest
  2. New Members
  3. Police Report (if provided in time) Hawick and Hermitage – April 2024
  4. Roles of members of the CC
  5. Minutes of last meeting April 24 NDCC Apr 2024 Minutes
  6. Matters arising:
  7.  Planning:
    1. Pines Burn Wind Farm community benefit fund update 22_01580_FUL-OFFICER_-_MOD-3943456, 22_01580_FUL-ESKDALEMUIR_REPORT_-_APPLICANTS-3943457
    2. Teviothead/Muirhall CBF update
    3. Permitted Development in Conservation Areas Permitted Development rights
    4. 24/00507/FUL Change of use to form community garden, reinstatement/form new multi-use paths: Land At Holm Hill Land North West And South of Golf Course ufm45_CCCON_Community_Council_Consultation
  8. Consultations/correspondence
  9. Public forum/Community issue
    • Playpark update
  10. AOB
  11. Date of next meeting: June 11th (no meeting normally held in July)


AGENDA NDCC Ordinary meeting Agenda April 11th 2024

1) Welcome & Apologies

  1. a) Declarations of Interest

2) Financial report 2023-24

  1. Review of accounts Accounts 2023-24 for signing 01-4-24
  2. Forward planning
  3. Resolution – Changes to signatories for bank account.  CHANGE OF BANK SIGNATORIES REQUEST

3) Police Report Hawick and Hermitage – March 2024 

4) Minutes of last meeting March 24 NDCC Mar 2024 Minutes

5) Matters arising:

a) Bus timetable update

b) Bins

c) Holm Bridge upgrade status

d) Speeding vehicles

e) Ettleton & Castleton Cemetery paths status

f) Potholes

g) Unpaid work within Community update

h) Flood Group

6) Planning:

  1. a) Pines Burn Wind Farm community benefit fund update
  2. b) Teviothead/Muirhall CBF update
  3. c) Permitted Development Legislation Permitted Development rights

7) Consultations/correspondence

  1. a) Potential Vulnerable Areas (PVA) Consultation – SEPA

SEPA launch consultation on review of areas most at risk of flooding across Scotland


PVA Text – Public Consultation Survey 2024v1

  1. b) Disrupting Criminal Dumpers – SEPA

Disrupting Criminal Dumpers

  1. c) Scottish Waste from All Sources – SEPA

SEPA Publish – Scottish Waste From All Sources

  1. d) Stakeholder Newsletter – Scottish Water

Stakeholder Newsletter – Spring 24

8) Public forum/Community issues

  1. a) Area Partnership Meeting 26/3/24  [OFFICIAL] Area Partnership Review
  2. b) Community Grant Fund update Community Council briefing 2024-25 Community Council Support Grant – Amounts Documentation easy

9) AOB

Explore magazine  Explore 6

Borders National Park Submission NP-FULL-RF-COMPRESSED

Missing Lynx Project The Missing Lynx Project information sheet

10 Date of next meeting: Tues May 14th, 7pm 


AGENDA NDCC Ordinary meeting Agenda Mar 11th 2024

2. Police Report 

Hawick and Hermitage – January 2024.docx

Hawick and Hermitage – February 2024

3. Minute of the last meeting 

NDCC Feb 2024 Minutes

4. New Nominees

5. Matters arising

  1. Bus timetable update
  2. Bins
  3. Holm Bridge upgrade status
  4. Speeding vehicles
  5. Ettleton & Castleton Cemetery paths status
  6. Potholes
  7. Unpaid work within Community update
  8. Flood Group update Flood group minutes

6. Planning:

  1. SBC Flood Stakeholder meeting Feedback
  2. SBC CC Planning feedback Community Council Role in Planning Applications – CC Stakeholder Event 29.02.24(3)
  3. Pines Burn Wind Farm community benefit fund update Pines Burn Meeting (06.02.2024). Minutes with CC feedback (Amended)
  4. Teviothead/Muirhall CBF update Muirhall RE_ Draft Agreement
  5. Applications:
    1. 24/00193/FUL – Extension 2 North Liddle Street ufm16_CCCON_Community_Council_Consultation
    2. 24/00180/PPP – Erection of dwelling house: Land Southeast of Ettleton Cemetery ufm41_CCCON_Community_Council_Consultation
    3. Forest plan/Till Hill Scottish Forestry Consultation Signdean LTFP – 99FGS34018 Singdean Forest Plan Renewal v3   Scottish Forestry Consultation Signdean LTFP – 99FGS34018

7. Consultations/correspondence

  1. Flooding Scott Street – SBHA Property
  2. Draft Council plan 2024  Council Plan – From April 24 Draft 21

8. Public forum/Community issues

  1. Area Partnership Meeting 20/2/24 Feedback
  2. Community Grant Fund update
  3. Request for help – sightings of Marsh Tit for Scottish Ornithology Club in the Borders

9. AOB

10 Date of next meeting: April 9th 7pm village hall

AGENDA NDCC Ordinary meeting Agenda Mar 11th 2024

2. Police Report 

Hawick and Hermitage – January 2024.docx

Hawick and Hermitage – February 2024

3. Minute of the last meeting 

NDCC Feb 2024 Minutes

4. New Nominees

5. Matters arising

  1. Bus timetable update
  2. Bins
  3. Holm Bridge upgrade status
  4. Speeding vehicles
  5. Ettleton & Castleton Cemetery paths status
  6. Potholes
  7. Unpaid work within Community update
  8. Flood Group update Flood group minutes

6. Planning:

  1. SBC Flood Stakeholder meeting Feedback
  2. SBC CC Planning feedback Community Council Role in Planning Applications – CC Stakeholder Event 29.02.24(3)
  3. Pines Burn Wind Farm community benefit fund update Pines Burn Meeting (06.02.2024). Minutes with CC feedback (Amended)
  4. Teviothead/Muirhall CBF update Muirhall RE_ Draft Agreement
  5. Applications:
    1. 24/00193/FUL – Extension 2 North Liddle Street ufm16_CCCON_Community_Council_Consultation
    2. 24/00180/PPP – Erection of dwelling house: Land Southeast of Ettleton Cemetery ufm41_CCCON_Community_Council_Consultation
    3. Forest plan/Till Hill Scottish Forestry Consultation Signdean LTFP – 99FGS34018 Singdean Forest Plan Renewal v3   Scottish Forestry Consultation Signdean LTFP – 99FGS34018

7. Consultations/correspondence

  1. Flooding Scott Street – SBHA Property
  2. Draft Council plan 2024  Council Plan – From April 24 Draft 21

8. Public forum/Community issues

  1. Area Partnership Meeting 20/2/24 Feedback
  2. Community Grant Fund update
  3. Request for help – sightings of Marsh Tit for Scottish Ornithology Club in the Borders

9. AOB

10 Date of next meeting: April 9th 7pm village hall

AGENDA NDCC Ordinary meeting Agenda Feb 13th 2024

2. Police Report  Hawick & Hermitage MMWR December

3. Work within the community – in attendance Haley Wilson SBC [OFFICIAL] Unpaid Work within your community_Redacted

4. Minute of the last meeting NDCC Minutes 9 Jan 2024 final

5. Matters arising

  1. Douglas Square build outs complete
  2. Riverside lighting 
  3. Bus timetable/community consultation/welfare service withdrawn  Bus route meeting notes 30.01.24
  4. Holm Bridge upgrade status 
  5. Horse signage update 
  6. Playpark consultation update
  7. Flood group role/corrs/actions
  8. Ettleton & Castleton Cemetery paths update

6. Planning 

  1. Pines Burn Wind Farm meeting Feb 6th feedback
  2. Teviothead/Muirhall legal framework update
  3. Coulter Syke formal FLS consultation on portal FGS01 Consultation Letter – 23FGS76695, Coulter Sike 
  4. SBC Stakeholder meeting [OFFICIAL] Community Council Stakeholder meeting – 29th February 2024
  5. Planning app feedback – 40 North Hermitage Street ufm56_CCCON_Community_Council_Consultation

7. Consultations/corrs

  1. CCTV consultation for communities in SBC [OFFICIAL] CCTV Project
  2. Democracy Matters Consultation open until Feb 28th[OFFICIAL] Democracy Matters Consultation – closes 28 February
  3. Community Council Scheme update
  4. Draft Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and Delivery Plan for the Scottish Borders consultation closes Mar 8th [OFFICIAL] Scottish Borders Draft Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy
  5. Environmental Management from SRUC/The University of Edinburgh; investigating whether Scottish population’s understanding and perception of the Scottish rainforest impacts the conservation of this special habitat.
  6. Land Management Student request

8. Public forum/Community issues

9. AOB

10.  Date of next meeting – Tue 12th Mar 2023, 7pm village hall


Police Report   

Minute of the last meeting

NDCC Minutes 12 Dec 2023

Matters arising

  1. Douglas Square build outs
  2. Riverside lighting 
  3. Bus timetable/community consultation 
  4. Holm Bridge upgrade status 
  5. Horse signage update 
  6. Playpark consultation update
  7. Flooding – Nov 27th feedback
  8. Ettleton Cemetery update


  1. Pines Burn Wind Farm community benefit fund update/transport issues
  2. Teviothead/Muirhall
  3. Flatt Farm update  Simply Ecology – Liddel Water Survey Summary – Jan 2024    Liddle_Water_Indicative_Species_Plan_Capital_Items_10.11.23 Liddel_Water_Pathing_Plan_05.01.24   FGS_Liddel_Water_PSW_Distance_Plan_21.12.23
  4. Coulter Syke Forestation feedbackCommunity Consultation results – final

Public forum/Community issues


  1. Scottish Borders National Park update Re Bid update – Scottish Borders National Park
  2. Regional Land Use consultation Regional Land Use Framework – Consultation and Events January 2024
  3. Explore Explore 4 – autumn 2023 (002)


 Date of next meeting – Tue Feb 13th 7pm village hall